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According to a poll last week from the Public Religion Research Institute, 70 percent of Americans support same-sex marriage , the highest percentage ever recorded by a national survey. But many are reluctant to take that support for granted. New York resident Jon Barrett no relation to the newest justice said his decision to marry his boyfriend of over 20 years next weekend was absolutely fueled by concern about the high court.

He and his fiancé, Sean Moran, will tie the knot on Zoom, with friends and loved ones logging on from home. And Barrett joins the court just in time to hear oral arguments next week in Fulton v. City of Philadelphia , a case that looks at whether faith-based child welfare agencies can refuse to work with same-sex couples and others whom they consider to be in violation of their religious beliefs.

You just don't know what will happen when the tide shifts so significantly with the Supreme Court.

Ingyenes apróhirdetések

You hope that they listen to the country. Existing unions remained valid, but same-sex couples could no longer apply for marriage licenses. That window stayed shut for five years, until the Supreme Court ruling in Hollingsworth v. Perry overturned Proposition 8. When Proposition 8 passed, he said, it tinged what should otherwise have been a joyous night — the election of Barack Obama — with sadness. Thousands of cars form lines to collect food in Covid-hit Texas. Gay couples race to wed over fears for future of same-sex marriage. Még több szexi mozgó gif itt.

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